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Wow! What a busy couple of weeks!!


Hope you are all doing as well as you can do? Apologies for the break in posts - we have been super busy with events and meetings, as well as taking a little summer break (we are writing this from the UK where we are currently having a bit of a heatwave which doesn't happen very often so making the most of it!!)

So, what have we been up to?!

Firstly Nicki has been busy at a few local events in the West Midlands including hosting her first information stand at her local Pride event to offer advice and support to lgbtq+ couples on babyloss, infertility and IVF journeys. She then welcomed representatives from 'Just Straight Talk', a local community support group, to her regular pregnancy loss group to host a well being session. Nicki also has plans to launch a second support group in the West Midlands. And as if that wasn't enough, she even found time to meet up with her local MP!!

Suzanne has been organising logistics for the Poole support group which is being moved location and date - details to be found on our Facebook page and support group page on our website. She is also working on setting up a support group for parents of rainbow babies as a place where parents can support each other, and the children can socialise and play. This would be in the Dorset area to start with, so if you are local and would like to be involved then please do drop us a message via our Facebook page.

We have also welcomed a new team member Nicole this week! Nicole will be hosting a support group in Preston in NW England. Nicole will also be helping with moderating the social media pages for us.

And whilst the ladies have been super busy, Vicki and Lou have both had a little time out! But we are back and look forward to continuing supporting families through baby loss.

As always we would love to hear your thoughts and comments so please do feel free to drop them below in the comment section!

Take Care.

The Angel Bears Team xxx

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